andréas var liten ett tag

anna verkade inte riktigt tro att jag var tjock som liten. här är beviset kan man väl säga. sen ville hon att jag skulle skriva upp min fina lista med musik som beskriver mig. blev tvungen att göra en ny.

Will it be ok? No more
How are you feeling today? Since I have been loving You
How do your friends see you? Ozone baby
Will you get married? The mothers love
What is your best friend's theme song? The price of gasoline
What is the story of your life? Du hade tid
What was high school like? Romeo ?tervänder ensam
What is the best thing about your friends? Removables
What is tonight going to be like? Trism
What is in store for the remainder of this weekend? Hellman
What song describes you? Custard pie
To describe your grandparents? Wash
How is your life going? Candystore rock
What song will they play at your funeral? Quiet heart
How does the world see you? Önskar att n?gon
Will you have a happy life? Hamburg song
What do your friends really think of you? In the light
Do people secretly lust after you? Stop to think
How can I make myself happy? For your life
What should you do with your life? Pojken med h?let i handen
Will you ever have children? F?r jag lov?


Blogger Anna said...

jätteliten va?


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